Sales Coaching

Sales Coaching

Sales Coaching

Based on a professionally developed style of personal coaching, our service of sales coaching quickly elevates salespeople to a higher level of task maturity.

Successful Sales Professional

Partly based on an online assessment, we analyze the personal skills of a salesman or saleswoman. Alternatively, working with learning objectives from a completed training. A coach plan is created based on a personal intake. This coach plan is the foundation to further develop a salesperson as a successful sales professional.

Why This Service?

A sales representative receives personal attention and guidance from an experienced professional. Permanent contact with the coach is possible via phone, email, or Skype. Personal growth in sales skills accelerates significantly thanks to sales coaching.

Personal Coach Plan

Developments and progress are monitored together with your sales coach. In this phase, the sales coach helps your people apply the provided commercial skills even better in practice.

Lasting Improvement

The sales coach guides, collaborates, and brings out the best in your people. Until it is certain that the changes initiated also lead to lasting improvement. Evaluation is crucial during and after the process.

More Information

We are happy to assist you in coaching your sales team. Are you ready for more revenue growth and profit maximization? Feel free to contact Sales Improvement Group without any obligation.

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