Maurice Smits

Sales Improver

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Previous Occupations

Area Sales Manager, Sales Director, COO, CEO

Industry Experience

Manufacturing industry, Optical Media & Precision Industry, Automotive, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, FinTech.

Maurice Smits


Maurice has built an international career, working in various sectors. From an executive commercial role, he has grown to become a board member for various organizations.

He has built up broad international experience in the field of sales, business development, organizational structures, business processes and change management.

Maurice is hands-on, thinks in solutions that contribute to solid growth of the company. Strong analytical skills and always passion for the customer! Enjoying what you do, personal commitment and development with always a close eye on the ultimate bottom line impact.


My ambition is to achieve lasting impact for my clients! The customer is central and that also applies to the customers of my clients. Pursuing continuous win/win situations that customers can benefit from. Coloring outside the lines to realize breakthroughs and achieve concrete results. And with that, always taking into account everyone's personal impact of changes. Engaging and retaining employees is crucial for lasting success.